Red car covered with debris from a landslide.

Understanding landslides and mudslides


下面我们来解释一下滑坡和泥石流的区别, 滑坡成因及不同类型的滑坡. 我们还分享了一些帮助防止未来伤害的技巧.

What is a landslide and how are mudslides related?

A landslide从广义上讲,是指岩石、土壤和碎屑沿着斜坡向下移动. 这种情况的发生可以破坏地区,造成重大损失 property damage, injury or even loss of life. Mudslides是一种特殊类型的滑坡,当泥石流沿着斜坡向下移动时就会发生,尤其是在地震发生后 heavy rains. 主要的区别在于所涉及的物质——山体滑坡可能是较大的碎片和泥土的混合物, while mudslides are saturated soil and fine sediment.


确定导致山体滑坡的原因对于了解和减轻风险非常重要. 一般来说,导致山体滑坡的因素包括暴雨, earthquakes, volcanic activity土地管理不善和建筑活动. 触发器是引发山体滑坡的特定事件, such as intense rainfall that saturates the soil, reducing its stability and increasing its weight, eventually leading to a slide. Human activity, like deforestation and improper excavation, 还能在破坏边坡稳定的滑坡中发挥重要作用吗.

Types of landslides – a closer look

滑坡有很多种类型,每一种都有不同的特点. For example:

  • Rockfalls involve the free-fall of rock from a steep slope.
  • Rotational slides see soil or rock move along a concave-upward surface.
  • Mudslides 特别灵活,能迅速覆盖大面积.
  • Debris flows 包括水、土壤和岩石碎片的混合物.



预防山体滑坡是一项多方面的挑战,涉及自然和人为策略. To learn how to help prevent landslides, 考虑种植植物等活动来稳定斜坡, 建造挡土墙和使用适当的排水系统以减少积水. Controlled use of land, 尤其要避免在易受伤害的地区施工, 监测地形的早期预警信号可以帮助预防灾难. 在规划和预防工作中,与地质专家协商评估和管理滑坡易发地区是必不可少的.

Landslide warning signs

  • 地基、砖、瓦和灰泥开始出现新的裂缝.
  • Windows and doors begin to stick and jam.
  • 人行道、楼梯和外墙开始远离建筑.
  • Water starts to break through the ground.
  • 像栅栏、墙壁和电线杆这样的垂直物品开始倾斜.
  • 铺装区域和地面开始出现越来越大的裂缝.
  • Utility lines break.
  • Slopes may show bulging ground at the base.
  • Rumbling sound begins as the landslide moves closer.

我们正在努力减少山体滑坡的影响和频率, awareness and education remain key components. 了解与山体滑坡和泥石流有关的风险, 认识到触发因素并实施有效的预防战略可能有助于挽救生命和财产.

就我个人而言,你可以通过完成一份 home inventory and having an emergency kit ready.

If you have coverage questions, a State Farm® agent is available to help.


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