Student loan debt isn't uncommon, but t在这里 are ways to lighten your load. Here's what to know about student loan consolidation.
学生贷款占 40% of the total debt load for recent graduates. And at a time when you're juggling paying rent and buying groceries with other savings goals — such as building up your emergency fund or saving for a down payment on a house — you may wonder if t在这里's any way to minimize the impact of 学生债务 在你的预算里. 为你的学生贷款再融资 may be a solution, but t在这里 are several factors to consider before you apply.
Student loan refinancing typically requires that you demonstrate stable income and good credit.
If interest rates have declined since you borrowed, you might be able to secure a lower rate through refinancing. 从长远来看, that could help you save a lot — so long as you've chosen a fixed interest rate, 哪个是你最安全的选择. While variable interest rates can start lower than fixed, t在这里 is no guarantee they won't increase over the duration of your loan term, so it's important to consider your needs carefully.
Refinancing may give you a lower monthly payment either through a longer repayment term or a lower interest rate — in some cases you may even qualify for both. Trimming your monthly payment would create 预算中的空间 for other savings goals, but it potentially means paying more over the life of your loan. If your budget has the room, you may also consider refinancing to a shorter repayment period. That would mean higher monthly payments, but it could potentially save a lot over the life of your loan.
如果你有联邦学生贷款, you may lose certain benefits by switching to a private loan when you refinance. For example, you could lose the ability to participate in 公务贷款宽免, an income-driven repayment plan and other repayment options.
最终, refinancing may be a good option if it is necessary to balance your budget or it helps you secure better terms that reduce the lifetime cost of your loan. 但在你再融资之前, make sure you understand all the details of the refinanced loan and determine how it will impact your finances.